Have you ever been to an awards banquet, and known that there are many worthy winners, but also felt it was highly unlikely that you would win an award?  This past month I attended the IACT/IMDHA annual convention (which has always been my favorite hypnosis convention), and at the annual awards banquet I was really surprised when they awarded me the “Lifetime Achievement Award” from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.

international medical and dental hypnotherapy associationOver the past 30 years I have been doing hypnosis with clients, writing books to teach others, and creating both live and online courses that have been used internationally to further professional hypnosis. It was really nice to have my peers recognize these achievements through the IMDHA.

Since you are reading this blog, you are probably someone who has taken these courses or read my books, and I am grateful to you. I have received many compliments over the years form both new and experienced hypnotists, and I appreciate that. But it is special to get the Lifetime Achievement award from the IMDHA. Do you want to attend my next live hypnotherapy professional development course in Las Vegas?

My hope is that my contribution and legacy in the hypnosis community has been rock solid clinical hypnosis training, that is based on peer-reviewed and evidenced based approaches. I hope part of my contribution has been the hundreds of free videos and training resources I have posted over the past 12 years.  I hope people also know, that I have done my best to make training resources available at the lowest-cost, and with the highest quality, so that people worldwide can benefit from hypnotherapy.

I am quite certain I will again attend this convention next year, and will always encourage those who want to learn more about applications of hypnosis to attend. You can join us in Daytona Beach in 2018 by making your plans now. International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.

There were many other winners of awards, and I was very please to see Melissa Tiers and Kelley Woods win the “Pen and Quill Award” for their book  Integrative Hypnosis for Kids and Teens: Playing for Change. In the picture above, I am with Kweethai Neill, Ph.D. (Kent State University) who was awarded the IMDHA “Fellow” award. Congratulations to the many other winners as well.

Here is a schedule of new online courses and upcoming opportunities to train live with me in Las Vegas: http://subliminalscience.com/new-courses/

International Medical and Dental hypnotherapy Association 2017 Convention “Lifetime Achievement Award”.