Hypnosis Trance Depth
Are you one of the many hypnotist who focus on achieving “trance depth” as the real key to “speaking” to the subconscious mind? In fact, for many hypnotists, the number one obstacle in their confidence to do effective hypnosis, is a fear that their client, “will not go deep enough.” I have intentionally put some of these words in quotes, because there are six things hypnotists commonly believe about hypnosis trance depth, that really are misunderstandings.
MYTH: Brain wave activity tells us when hypnosis can occur. Many of us have been taught that slower brain wave activities, like theta or delta, determine trance depth and thus hypnotic response. This is the idea behind counting down, and ‘going deeper” and doing relaxotherapy. But brainwave activity alone does not determine hypnotic response. In fact, stage hypnosis demonstrates that high levels of response can come when faster brainwave activity is occurring, often with profound results in beta and alpha level of brainwave activity.

MYTH: Trance “depth” actually exists. From the earliest studies of hypnosis, academics have been tasked with a way to measure Reponses and outcomes. The early development of “trance depth” scales is a way for us to conceptualize experience – but does not mean someone will or will not benefit form hypnosis. “Depth” is really only a metaphor – as trance is trance, no matter how “deep” it appears.
MYTH: Deeper trance is better trance. I often think hypnotists prefer deep trance, even sleep like trance, because there is no fear a client will talk back and challenge an idea! Slower brainwave activity might detach the conscious mind from active thought during hypnosis, but in many cases I want my client paying attention to my words, and to be highly aware of his or her experience. In many cases, I have roused a dozing client, because I want them to be able to talk and participate in the process of hypnosis.
MYTH: The purpose of induction is to get the client “deep.” No, the purpose of induction should be to teach skills that are of value to a client long after a session is over. Many people think the purpose of induction is to get to the “good stuff.” But done correctly, the induction is in and of itself, good stuff!
MYTH: There are super powerful deep states that only highly skilled hypnotists can create. This believe is often perpetuated by people selling very expensive trainings to help teach you how to create the “super stealth, super somnambulistic, coma experience”
MYTH: Clients go into trance and stay at a deep level throughout a session. Think about your last 8 hours of sleep. Some of it was probly spend in dreamland, some of it was probly spent aware that you were trying to sleep.
Some of it might have been active (getting up to go to the bathroom), some of it was remembered, and some of it was forgotten. This is normal, because this is how the brain cycles – and the same thing happens in a hypnosis session. Client will experience various awareness’s, and all of them are valuable. Even frustration in hypnosis can be valuable, because it teaches a person to internally resolve conflict that is distressing to them.
Do you want to learn more about trance utilization n? Take the ICBCH Advanced Practitioner Training (Platinum Level Certification Course).